Elektrostatik plastik separator
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Fikr-mulohaza (2)
Elektrostatik plastik separator Batafsil:
Qisqa Tasvir:
Electrostatic Plastics separator produce introduction of Electrostatic Plastics separator-HB1500 Electrostatic Plastics separator-HB1500 is the latest invention high quality with CE with CE certificate 1 Year Warranty. In order to ensure normal operation of the captain during electrostatic separation, ABB high quality motor, EASYCON PLC control system, WINPARK temperature controller, kunlun state touch screen and YIJIA industrial control relay are selected. product para...
Elektrostatik plastmassalarni ajratuvchi |
- Elektrostatik plastmassa separator-HB1500 ni joriy qilish
Elektrostatik plastmassa separator-HB1500 - bu Idoralar sertifikatiga ega bo'lgan 1 yillik kafolatli so'nggi yuqori sifatli ixtiro. Elektrostatik ajratish vaqtida kapitanning normal ishlashini ta'minlash uchun ABB yuqori sifatli dvigateli, EASYCON PLC boshqaruv tizimi, WINPARK harorat sozlagichi, kunlun davlat sensorli ekrani va YIJIA sanoat boshqaruv rölesi tanlangan.
- Elektrostatik plastmassa separator-HB1500 mahsulot parametri (spetsifikatsiyasi).
Reja raqami. |
Mahsulot nomi |
Tavsif |
Ovoz balandligi |
Chiqish quvvati |
1 |
Elektrostatik plastmassalarni ajratuvchi - HB1500 |
Elektrostatik plastmassa ajratgich * 1 |
uzunligi: 9000 mm; |
1-1,5T/soat |
Boqish silosu * 1 |
Vintli konveyer * 3 |
Paqir konvegori * 7 |
- Elektrostatik plastmassa separator-HB1500 mahsulotining xususiyati va qo'llanilishi
1) Flotatsiya jarayonining zichligi bilan ajratib bo'lmaydigan aralash plastmassalarga qo'llaniladi
2) Aralashtirilgan plastmassalarni ajratishda mavjud, masalan:
b) PP PE
c) Kompyuter PMMA
3) Soflik: 98%-99%.
4) Xavfsiz past oqim: 2mA-4mA.
5) Quvvat: 110KW-130KW
6) Qavat maydoni: 90-95㎡
- Elektrostatik plastmassa separator-HB1500 ishlab chiqarish detallari
- Elektrostatik plastmassa separatorining mahsulot malakasi-HB1500
- Elektrostatik plastmassa ajratgichni etkazib berish, jo'natish va xizmat ko'rsatish -HB1500
45 kun ichida yetkazib berish
To'liq 1 yillik kafolat;
1) Savol: Plastik diametrni mashina bilan kelishish haqida nima deyish mumkin?
A: 22MM-28MM
2) Savol: Metallni elektrostatik plastmassa ajratgich bo'yicha saralay olasizmi, masalan, mis, alyuminiy yoki rux va boshqalar?
Javob: Metall bilan ishlay olmaganimdan juda afsusdaman.
1) Savol: Menga metall separator va NIR Optik Sortorning tafsilotlari va fayllarini yubora olasizmi?
A: metall separator va NIR optik sortor hali ham sinovdan o'tkazilmoqda, biz dekabr oyining oxirida sotilishini taxmin qilamiz.
Mahsulot tafsilotlari rasmlari:

Tegishli mahsulot qo'llanmasi:
Elektron plastmassani ajratish
Havoni ajratish zavodi yuqori toza sanoat gazlarini ta'minlaydi
Our business sticks for the basic principle of "Quality could be the life with the firm, and track record will be the soul of it" for Electrostatic plastic separator, The product will supply to all over the world, such as: San Francisco, Spain, Roman, Our market share of our products has greatly increased yearly. If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. We are looking forward to your inquiry and order.

We are a small company that has just started, but we get the company leader's attention and gave us a lot of help. Hope we can make progress together!