Dealaiche plastaig electrostatic

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Bathar Tags

Bhidio co-cheangailte

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Our commission is to serve our users and clients with best quality and competitive portable digital products for Inneal ath-chuairteachaidh càr , Dèanadair Magnetic Separator , Inneal Glainne Plastaig , We sincerely welcome all guests to setup small business associations with us on the basis of mutual positive aspects. You should get in touch with us now. You'll get our professional reply within 8 hours.
Dealaiche plastaig electrostatic mion-fhiosrachadh:

Tuairisgeul goirid:

  Electrostatic Plastics separator   produce introduction of Electrostatic Plastics separator-HB1500 Electrostatic Plastics separator-HB1500 is the latest invention high quality with CE with CE certificate 1 Year Warranty. In order to ensure normal operation of the captain during electrostatic separation, ABB high quality motor, EASYCON PLC control system, WINPARK temperature controller, kunlun state touch screen and YIJIA industrial control relay are selected. product para...


Dealaiche electrostatic Plastics


  • toirt a-steach dealaiche electrostatic Plastics-HB1500

Is e dealaiche electrostatic Plastics-HB1500 an innleachd àrd-inbhe as ùire le CE le teisteanas CE Barantas 1 Bliadhna. Gus dèanamh cinnteach à obrachadh àbhaisteach a’ chaiptein rè dealachadh electrostatach, thèid motair àrd-inbhe ABB, siostam smachd EASYCON PLC, rianadair teothachd WINPARK, scrion suathaidh stàite kunlun agus sealaidheachd smachd gnìomhachais YIJIA a thaghadh.

  • paramadair toraidh (sònrachadh) de sgaradh electrostatic Plastics-HB1500

Plana Àir.

Ainm toraidh



Comas Toraidh


Dealaiche plastaig electrostatach - HB1500

Dealaiche plastaig electrostatach * 1

fad: 9000mm;
leud: 5100mm;
àirde: 5800mm


Biadhadh Silo * 1

Inneal-giùlain sgriubha * 3

Convegor bucaid*7


  • Feart toraidh agus cleachdadh an dealaiche Electrostatic Plastics-HB1500

1) Air a chur an sàs anns a 'phlastaig mheasgaichte nach urrainn a bhith air a sgaradh le dùmhlachd a' phròiseas flotation

2) Ri fhaighinn ann a bhith a’ sgaradh plastaigean measgaichte, leithid:


b) PP PE



3) Purity: 98% -99%.

4) Sàbhailte sruth ìosal: 2mA-4mA.

5) Cumhachd: 110KW-130KW

6) Làr Raon: 90-95㎡


  • mion-fhiosrachadh cinneasachaidh de sgaradh electrostatic Plastics-HB1500

Cruth HB3000


1692862672477 标准小静电机英文版_02 标准小静电机英文版_03

标准小静电机英文版_04 标准小静电机英文版_05 标准小静电机英文版_06 标准小静电机英文版_07

标准小静电机英文版1 标准小静电机英文版2 标准小静电机英文版3 标准小静电机英文版10

  • Teisteanas toraidh de sgaradh electrostatic Plastics-HB1500




  • lìbhrigeadh, a’ lìbhrigeadh agus a’ frithealadh dealaiche electrostatic Plastics -HB1500

Lìbhrigeadh taobh a-staigh 45 latha

Barantas 1-bliadhna slàn;

  • Ceistean Cumanta

1) Q: dè mu dheidhinn an trast-thomhas plastaig a 'dèiligeadh le inneal?

A: 22mm-28mm

2) Q: am b’ urrainn dhut am meatailt a sheòrsachadh le dealaiche Electrostatic Plastics, mar eisimpleir copar, alùmanum no sinc msaa?

A: Tha mi cho duilich nach urrainn dhomh dèiligeadh ri meatailt.

1) Q: an urrainn dhut mion-fhiosrachadh agus faidhlichean dealaiche meatailt agus NIR Optical Sortor a chuir thugam?

A: dealaiche meatailt agus NIR Optical Sortor fhathast deuchainn-praduce, tha sinn an dùil gun tèid a reic aig deireadh na Dùbhlachd.



Dealbhan mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh:

Dealbhan mionaideach de sgaradh plastaig electrostatic

Dealbhan mionaideach de sgaradh plastaig electrostatic

Iùl Bathar co-cheangailte:
E-Sgaradh plastaig

Good quality comes to start with; service is foremost; organization is cooperation" is our enterprise philosophy which is regularly observed and pursued by our firm for Electrostatic plastic separator, The product will supply to all over the world, such as: Bogota, Berlin, Zambia, We follow superior mechanism to process these goods that ensure optimum durability and reliability of the goods. We follow latest effective washing and straightening processes that enable us to supply unmatched quality of items for our clients. We continually strive for perfection and all our efforts are directed towards attaining complete client satisfaction.
  • A good manufacturers, we have cooperated twice, good quality and good service attitude.
    5 RionnaganBy Christine from Argentina - 2016.10.23 10:29
    Reasonable price, good attitude of consultation, finally we achieve a win-win situation,a happy cooperation!
    5 RionnaganBy Iris from Japan - 2015.06.28 19:27
    Sgrìobh do theachdaireachd an seo agus cuir thugainn e

    Bathar Co-cheangailte