
  • Post time: Apr-26-2024

    Introduction to Dongguan Haibao’s efficient intelligent sorting robot Dongguan Haibao is a factory specializing in R&D and production of innovative waste disposal machinery. Focused on recycling and sustainability, the company launched smart waste sorting robots that revolutionized the way wa...Baca leuwih »

  • Intelligent garbage sorting robot revolutionizes garbage disposal machinery
    Post time: Apr-26-2024

    Intelligent garbage sorting robot revolutionizes garbage disposal machinery Dongguan Haibao is a factory specializing in R&D and production of innovative waste disposal machinery. One of their breakthrough products is a smart waste sorting robot designed to revolutionize the recycling process...Baca leuwih »

  • Post time: Apr-12-2024

    Intelligent garbage sorting robot: a revolution in garbage disposal machinery In the age of environmental awareness and sustainable living, the need for effective waste management and recycling has become increasingly important. As technology advances, the integration of high-tech solutions paves...Baca leuwih »

  • Post time: Apr-05-2024

    Rubber separators: revolutionizing waste disposal machinery Dongguan Haibao is a factory specializing in the production of innovative waste treatment machinery, focusing on recycling and environmental sustainability. One of their standout products is the Rubber Separator, a cutting-edge solution ...Baca leuwih »

  • Post time: Mar-28-2024

    Introducing Hypertherm Plastics Color Sorter, a cutting-edge solution for efficient separation of a wide range of materials. Our state-of-the-art technology can precisely and simultaneously separate a wide range of materials including rice, peanuts, soybeans, sesame, coffee, tea, plastics, indust...Baca leuwih »

  • Post time: Mar-27-2024

    Dongguan Haibao launches NIR near-infrared sorting machine Dongguan Haibao is proud to introduce our most advanced NIR near-infrared sorter, a revolutionary technology suitable for separating a variety of materials, including plastics, paper products, metals, ores, agriculture, and more. Our near...Baca leuwih »

  • Post time: Mar-26-2024

    Dongguan Haibao launches metal separator Dongguan Haibao is a factory specializing in innovative solutions for waste management and recycling. We are proud to introduce our latest product, the Metal Separator, designed to revolutionize the process of sorting and purifying e-waste shredded plastic...Baca leuwih »

  • Post time: Mar-25-2024

    Introducing the future of waste management: intelligent waste sorting robots Dongguan Haibao is proud to present the latest innovation in waste management technology – intelligent waste sorting robot. This cutting-edge device aims to revolutionize the traditional waste sorting process by co...Baca leuwih »

  • Post time: Mar-14-2024

    Introducing the Electrostatic Plastic Separator, a cutting-edge solution for efficient sorting of plastics based on their electrostatic properties. This innovative technology provides an efficient and environmentally friendly way to separate different types of plastics, helping to advance recycli...Baca leuwih »

  • Electrostatic separator: mixed waste plastic separation scheme, purity determines value
    Post time: Aug-22-2023

    Waste plastics, a resource with high economic value and renewable value, is one of the important roles in the field of recycling. The sources of waste plastic are very wide: waste plastic daily necessities, the shell of household appliances, the broken materials of electric vehicles, food packagi...Baca leuwih »

  • Naon mangpaat tina daur ulang plastik pikeun ngolah?
    waktos pos: May-09-2023

    Mangpaat ngolah plastik daur ulang: 1. Éta nyandak deui bahan, ngagentos sareng ningkatkeun lingkungan urang. Tapi kantong plastik masih aya dimana-mana. 2. Ngagunakeun deui sumberdaya. Dibandingkeun sareng kai plastik, seueur palanggan anu kalibet dina ieu. (Sanaos kuring henteu terang kumaha ngagunakeun gandum daur ulang ...Baca leuwih »

  • Separator éléktrostatik: skéma separation palastik runtah dicampur, purity nangtukeun nilai
    waktos pos: May-02-2023

    SEPARATOR éléktrostatik boga lima kaunggulan: separator Héjo Separator éléktrostatik palastik mangrupakeun jenis asihan fisik, separation ieu bisa ngurangan ngarugikeun ka lingkungan, daur ulang plastik jeung tujuan dipake deui nyaeta ngajaga lingkungan, nyimpen sumberdaya alam; Janten pamisahan fisik nyaéta ...Baca leuwih »